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Software to Visualize/Annotate Dicom/Nifti files

Free software for visualizing, editing, and segmenting medical images in DICOM and NIfTI formats using 3D Slicer and ITK-Snap tools.

In this blog post, we will discuss some free software that can be used to visualize, edit, and annotate medical images in formats such as Dicom or Nifti.

Hands-on 3D slicer

3D Slicer logo - powerful open-source software for visualizing, editing, and segmenting medical images in DICOM and NIfTI formats.

Download and install

To download 3D slicer, you can go to this link. And then choose your operating system. Always download the stable release.

Download 3D Slicer for Windows, macOS, and Linux - free open-source software for medical image visualization and segmentation. Choose stable or preview release versions.

Then, to install it, simply follow the instructions in the welcome window.

Installing 3D Slicer version 5.0.3 setup process on Windows, showing extraction progress for medical imaging software installation.

Visualize Dicoms and Nifti files 

To upload Nifti files, simply drag and drop the file into the Slicer’s welcome window, and another window will appear:

3D Slicer interface for uploading Nifti files, showing a selected .nii file ready for visualization in the medical imaging software.

When you upload a scan/case you need to keep it as volume, then press OK.

As shown in the image below, the file will be uploaded and viewed using 3D slicer with three different axes (axial, sagittal, and coronal).

3D Slicer interface displaying a medical scan with axial, sagittal, and coronal views, highlighting the software’s multi-axis visualization capabilities for medical imaging.

How to upload the Dicom Files?

To upload Dicom files, click the DCM or DATA button and then select a single file (one slice) or a directory to upload the entire case.

3D Slicer DICOM upload buttons for loading and managing medical imaging files, enabling efficient visualization and annotation of DICOM and NIfTI data.

How to do segmentation

The most important part now is determining how to create masks (segments) for a specific organ in the scan for use in diagnosis or machine learning algorithms. You must select the “Segmentations” option here:

3D Slicer segmentation menu for creating and editing masks in medical imaging, essential for diagnosis and machine learning applications.

Then, create a new segmentation using this option:

3D Slicer interface for creating new segmentations to generate masks in medical imaging, crucial for precise diagnosis and machine learning training.

When you select this option, a segmentation file containing the masks will be created. However, for each organ you want to segment, you must create a new “Segment” by selecting “Add segment”:

3D Slicer segmentation interface showing options to add new segments for creating masks of specific organs in medical imaging.

Now click on the pen to go to the segmentation editor: 

Free software for visualizing, editing, and segmenting medical images in DICOM and NIfTI formats using 3D Slicer and ITK-Snap tools.

There are numerous tools in the Segment Editor to assist you with segmentation. There are 100% manual tools and semi-automatic tools that can be useful at times.

Free software for visualizing, editing, and segmenting medical images in DICOM and NIfTI formats using 3D Slicer and ITK-Snap tools.

We can use the brush, for example, to do manual segmentation:

3D Slicer Free software for visualizing, editing, and segmenting medical images in DICOM and NIfTI formats using 3D Slicer and ITK-Snap tools.

You must be aware that segmentation is required in all slices. Don’t worry about the different orientations; you only need to choose one, and when you’re finished, you’ll notice that the segmentation has been done in the three orientations listed below:

3D Slicer Free software for visualizing, editing, and segmenting medical images in DICOM and NIfTI formats using 3D Slicer and ITK-Snap tools.

When you’ve finished segmenting your file, you can save it as a Nifti file or in other formats. The following steps are required:

Click on the green arrow

3D Slicer Free software for visualizing, editing, and segmenting medical images in DICOM and NIfTI formats using 3D Slicer and ITK-Snap tools.

Go to “Export to file”

3D Slicer Free software for visualizing, editing, and segmenting medical images in DICOM and NIfTI formats using 3D Slicer and ITK-Snap tools.

Fill in the information like the destination folder, the reference volume (very important), and the file format. And then click on export.

Hands-on ITK-snap

ITK-SNAP logo for 3D medical image segmentation and analysis.

Download and install

You can download ITK-snap from the official website here (the registration is optional, you can skip it). 

IMPORTANT: the version 4.0 is not working for everyone, so I recommend installing 3.8 which is a stable version.

Visualize Dicoms and Nifti files

To view Nifti or Dicom files in ITK-snap, simply drag and drop your file onto the software’s welcome screen.

Note: To upload an entire directory of Dicom files, simply drag and drop one Dicom file from the directory, and the entire directory will be uploaded automatically.

ITK-SNAP interface for visualizing DICOM and NIfTI medical imaging files.

How to do segmentation

To do the segmentation, you can go to the ‘Main Toolbar’ and choose the brush:

ITK-SNAP for 3D medical image segmentation and analysis.

Then you can select the brush type and size. You can even select the 3D option, which will duplicate the mask for a few neighbor slices when you segment in one slice.

ITK-SNAP logo for 3D medical image segmentation and analysis.

When you finish the segmentation, it will be the same as with the 3D slicer in that you can do it in only one orientation and then it will be added in the three orientations. You can also plot the 3D representation (this can be done in 3D slicer as well).

ITK-SNAP segmentation tool showing 3D visualization of medical scans in axial, sagittal, and coronal views.

When you complete the segmentation, you can save it as a Nifti file using this option:

Visualize nifti and dicom files

Convert Dicoms into Nifti using 3D slicer

If you want to combine Dicom files into a single Nifti file, you can do so with a few clicks of the mouse.

  • Upload your Dicom files into 3D slicer
  • Then click on the ‘save’ button at the top, and this window will pop up:
3D Slicer save window for converting DICOM files to a single NIfTI format.

  • Fill in the information needed and then click on save.

Convert Nifti into Dicoms using 3D slicer

You can also use the 3D slicer module ‘Create a Dicom Series’ to convert a single Nifti file into a Dicom series.

3D Slicer module for converting NIfTI files to a DICOM series using the 'Create a DICOM Series' tool.

💡 Tips

If you want to convert multiple medical images and a large number of files with a single click, you can use my free application, which can be found here.

Full course about medical imaging segmentation is coming soon, join the waitlist here.


Learn how to effectively manage and process DICOM files in Python with our comprehensive course, designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.

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