At PYCAD, we specialize in developing cutting-edge machine learning pipelines tailored to the intricate field of medical imaging. Our expertise lies in bridging the gap between advanced AI technology and the critical needs of the healthcare sector.

Our Core Expertise:

  • Customized Machine Learning Solutions: We excel in building machine learning models that are not only accurate but also efficient, ensuring they fit seamlessly into your medical imaging processes.
  • Advanced Imaging Techniques: Our team is proficient in handling both 2D and 3D medical images, employing the latest techniques to extract meaningful insights.
  • Technology Proficiency: Leveraging tools like ITK, SimpleITK, and OpenCV, and frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow, we ensure that our solutions are built on robust and reliable technologies.

Our Projects

At PYCAD, our portfolio showcases a diverse range of breakthrough projects.
We've developed advanced AI algorithms for 2D and 3D medical image analysis


Building Custom Models

- Pre/Post Processing for 2D/3D Medical Imaging
- 2D/3D Medical Image Classification
- 2D/3D Medical Image Segmentation


- Deploy model on your local machines
- Deploy model on Cloud services (AWS, GCP, Azure)

User Interface

- Desktop application for 2D and 3D inference and visualization
- Web applications for 2D and 3D inference and visualization

Meet the Team


Mohammed El Amine Mokhtari - Researcher in Medical Imaging


Nour Islam Mokhtari - Senior Computer Vision Engineer

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Email: contact@pycad.co

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