The 5 Steps to Bringing Your Dreams To The Reality

There are 10 Million People Per Year That Have a Dream Come True
Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

Many people have dreams and they want them to come true. However, many people don’t know how to make these dreams come true. There are different ways that could help them to turn their dream into reality. For example, they can set realistic goals and work hard enough to achieve those goals. They can also try to identify the specific areas of their life where they want to change and work on those areas as well. It’s important for people to take action because anything worth having is worth working for and this includes a dream come true as well.

Let’s first start with the five steps that will help you to get your dreams to reality then after I will share my experiences and how I started bringing my small dream to reality.

Step 1. Get Clear On What You Want

This is the first step on how to create your life vision board. Write down all your goals for life on a piece of paper.

Next, think of the best things that happened to you this year and write them on another sheet of paper.

Then, pick the best goalfrom the two lists and put it in the center of your poster board or sheet of paper.

Finally, start filling in some words around it with ideas about how to make this goal happen.

This focusing exercise will help you gain clarity on what you want for yourself in both short-term and long-term goals.

Step 2. Set Your Intentions In Writing

The more detailed and specific your goal is, the easier it will be to measure your progress.

There are three steps to setting goals:

  • Write down the goal you want to achieve
  • Break this goal up into small, achievable pieces (e.g., what you will do differently today)
  • Create a timeline for each of these pieces and set time frames for when they should be accomplished.

Step 3. Visualize Yourself In The Future After You’ve Already Achieved Your Goal

Visualization is an effective strategy for achieving goals because it helps you to stay focused on the end goal.

Visualization is also a useful strategy in fostering feelings of happiness. Studies show that the mind can’t tell the difference between what you visualize and what you experience in reality, so visualization can make you feel happier even when your life situation isn’t perfect.

Step 4. Make A Vision Board and Write Down The Goals/Dreams You Want For Yourself

Making a vision board with goals and dreams is one of the best success habits you can have.

A vision board is a powerful tool for manifesting goals, dreams, and desires.

It is one of the most popular ways to create goals with intentionality because it provides you with tangible results that are very easy to track.

Step 5. Work On Yourself From the Inside-Out and Share Your Goals With Others

It’s important to work on yourself from the inside out first. Once you can see where you want to go, it’s time to share your goals with others.

If you are not happy with your current situation, then you need to take responsibility for your own happiness. You need to change your attitude and think about what makes you happy and what doesn’t make you happy. When we are able to find some joy in our lives, we will be able to find some sense of achievement and be able to share it with others.

Let me now tell you about my experience in making my dreams a reality. I’ll tell you about some of the small dreams that I worked on and realized.

1. As an Algerian, I aspired to finish my studies outside of Algeria in order to meet new people and learn about different cultures. But at the time, I didn’t have the grades that would have helped me get accepted in France. So I resolved to work hard in order to obtain the grades required to apply to French universities. And, fortunately, I was able to get good grades for the next two years after making those decisions. In 2019, I was accepted by three universities in France, and I chose the one that was the closest to what I was looking for. So this was the first goal I set for myself and achieved (by the way, I completed my studies in France this month, September 2021).

My picture in my thesis defense day

2. The second dream concerned my YouTube channel. When I first started it, I was posting random videos with no specific subject, so I didn’t always get subscribers or views, and I couldn’t monetize my channel. That was a second minor goal: to meet the requirements of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of viewing time so that I could monetize my channel. After 3 monthsof making that decision, I was able to reach 1000 subs and 4000 hours :). And now my channel has 2.48k subscribers, which isn’t too shabby for me haha.

Number of subscribers on my YouTube channel

3. I wanted to create an online course and share it with the world so that anyone, even if I was a student, could learn from me. However, I enjoyed teaching people online and sharing my knowledge. So I decided to build an e-learning platform with Wix, but I discovered that it is not a good idea for someone without an audience. So I made my first course available for free on Udemy. After seeing that some people enjoyed my course (which was a wonderful feeling by the way), I decided to create more courses, so I added three more courses, which are doing well for the time being, particularly the Tkinter course about creating GUIs with Python. And now that I’m working on a new course, here are some pointers on how I organize my work with notion.

Screenshot from my notion sections

4. One of my greatest dreams was to have my own website where I could share my knowledge in the form of articles and show off my projects to the world, so I created PYCAD for Python Academy. And I’m glad I made that decision because it’s allowing me to show the world what I’ve done and what I’m capable of.

Number of users on my website

So those were some of my small dreams that I was able to realize, and I still have some others that I am working on.

This journey taught me that having small dreams and achieving them one by one is preferable to having one big dream that will always remain a dream because you will not be motivated to do it.

Because when I open my eyes, I see that I now have a successful online business (YouTube channel, personal website with Google ads, 4 online courses with 11k+ students enrolled, and 2 Medium profiles on two different subjects) 😃

I’m excited to hear about the small goals you’ve accomplished or hope to accomplish this year.

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